busy, busy, busy!
happy happy me
i love posing for granny's camera
i have been SO hugely busy since granny arrived from cape town on the 5th may, she has been so much fun to have around! unfortunately, not long after she got here, she got a really bad cold and had to be in bed for a while and have antibiotics... poor granny...
mum & granny's friend aunty carol had arranged to surprise granny last weekend - it went down according to plan, except that granny was sick and couldn't really do as much as she'd have liked to with aunty carol.
aunty carol came over from new zealand to visit us all and it was lovely meeting her - thanks for my buzzy bee raincoat aunty carol!
here is a shot of aunty-carol-the-tourist taken by granny
here is a shot of granny-the-tourist taken by aunty carol
i have been a bit sick too lately, got a bit of a cough but not too bad - nothing i can't handle!
tomorrow we are going to a town called bright, it's up the the "alpine areas" and is about a 3 and a half hour drive away. aunty rara is going to look after the house and the dogs and the fish and everything while we're away - thanks aunty rara!
mum has been organising and packing and everything, and we'll leave in the morning and hopefully get there around lunch time. the oldies are hoping i'll sleep in the car but i'll leave them guessing until the last minute... i think mum has a stash of "distractions" for just in case, i saw a few books i've never seen before and a new toy too so it might just be fun!
the weather forecast is as follows:
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
P.O. Box 1636 Melbourne Vic 3001 http://www.bom.gov.au
Alpine Areas District Forecast
Issued at 1531 on Sunday the 20th of May 2007
A severe weather warning is current for localised damaging winds.
Weather Pattern:
A cold front approaching the Bight will move eastwards and cross
Victoria during Monday. A second cold front will move through
the Bass Strait later Tuesday while a high pressure system develops
over South Australia. This high will move slow eastwards over NSW
during Wednesday and Thursday.
Forecast: Tonight and Monday
Scattered showers, becoming more widespread during the afternoon,
then tending to snow at night. Isolated thunderstorms and hail later.
Mostly cloudy with strong northwesterly winds, reaching gale force
at times tomorrow.
Tuesday Snow showers contracting to the peaks as showers become
more isolated. Mostly cloudy with strong and gusty west to south-
westerly winds moderating.
Wednesday Isolated showers.
Thursday Fine apart from isolated early showers.
Mt Buller
Tonight and Monday Min 0 Max 2
Mt Hotham
Tonight and Monday Min -1 Max 1

before i go to bed, i just want to say hi to pappa, aunty nini & ouma in cape town and also to bazz! and also to pa, nanna, aunty dotty and nanna lee & nanna rene in perth!
anyway, gotta get my beauty sleep (you know, for all the photos).
night kids x
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