also known as james

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


so we're up here in bright (3 and a half hours from melbourne) and it's very pretty but very wet! it's been raining pretty much since we got here and only seems to be clearing up this afternoon.

it snowed last night up on mount hotham and we went for a drive today to have a look.
it was so pretty and the higher we got, the more snow there was until we decided not to go any further because we didn't have chains for the tyres... poo...

we drove back down again and went to have lunch in town at the local bakery, and then walked around for a bit before we came back to the apartment for a sleep.

mum also took me for a walk this morning to feed the ducks - they were so cute! i was quite speechless, i've never seen a real live duck before! maybe we'll go back again tomorrow to feed them some more - they seemed very hungry!

anyway, i'll get mum to put some photos up when we get back home again - we're using dad's laptop while we're here and mum hasn't put the photos on it.

night kids!


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