also known as james

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

another adventure

so today i took mum to the museum again - we went to see the dinosaurs

we got the tram there and were early (half an hour) so i did some running around like a lunatic until it was time to go in to buy our tickets. it's only $6 for mum and i'm free!

anyway here are some more museum photos, i'm sure they all look the same now but anyway... mum also got a video of me which we'll put up next so keep 'em peeled!

this is a good one for your desktop :)

can you see where i am?

pushing my pram, "lets go!"

a great big tree

some groovy sculptures

building stalacmites

colour blocks on a light box

a very tall palm tree

a giant echidna, they're all this big...

and finally, i helped mum tonight with the dishes (she hates doing the dishes). it was lots of soapy fun!



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