crazy days
the last few days have been a bit on the crazy side to say the least!
last sunday dad & mum took me to a picnic in the park with the other babies and dads and mums from our group - it was great fun! i wore my sun hat and my sunnies and looked pretty cool (that's what i heard anyway). the weather changed after a while though and we came home for my bottle and nap and i slept really well that night (probably from all the excitement of the day).
on tuesday mum took me for a long walk and we went to the shop for more veggies for my dinners. then on wednesday we went to mum's group with all the other babies and i played happily with them. here's a photo of manny pretending to be a puppy

and here's a photo of ruby, she's very pretty!

that night though, i started feeling a bit yucky and yesterday (thursday) i had a really high temperature of 39.4C by the time we went to kerry for my 8 month check up... i was not feeling well at all and mum had to keep giving me baby panadol every 4 hours to help get my temperature down. last night was not a good one to say the least...
today mum took me to the doctor and she said my ears and lungs were clear and that i was probably just getting a cold which my body was fighting. mum has to keep and eye on my temperature and hopefully this will work it's way out of my system.
on our way home (indirectly via the newsagent and baby gift shop) we bumped into renai, manny's mum. she and mum went for lunch at a cafe on rathdowne street and had a good old natter together before we headed off home.
i got two cute presents today from mum, because i'm not feeling well she wanted to cheer me up. i also got a great present last weekend from dad & mum and i'll get mum to put some photos up soon of all the pressies for you to see.
yesterday when we went to see kerry, she weighed me and i'm now 10.015kgs! we couldn't believe it! i'm also 73cm long now and growing by the minute!
that's all for now, going to bed - night!

You certainly are becoming the socialite with all these outings! Loved the cool dude. Nan x
1:59 pm
Hi James!! Hope you are feeling better now! Its not nice when you're feeling yucky!! My Mom hates it when I have a high temp .. she says it brings back memories of when they had to rush me to the hospital. Sounds rather scary, but luckily I don't remember any of it!!
Sounds like you have been busy with all your outings!! Its fun when we get to play with other kids!! Its a good thing that our Moms both found good groups .. we have tons of fun at them .. and I think its good for the ol gals too!
Anyways, off to a playdate, so had better get dressed! Chat soon
1:42 am
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