also known as james

Thursday, April 10, 2008


i love animals and here are some photos of me pretending to be two different kinds of animals

firstly, here i am being a turtle

and here's me pretending to be a LION! ROOOOOOAAAAWWWWRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

ps that's raspberry muffin residue on my cheek, i am after all a friendly lion and don't eat humans or animals ;)

today i took mum and her friend andrew to the park, it was very warm and i ran around a lot (with mum having to run after me a few times too) and they ate cake & drank coffee (andrew) and hot chocolate (mum) until it was time to come home again for lunch
it was lots of fun but we were all worn out by the time we got home!

i had another sleep-over at nanna & pa on tuesday so mum had two whole days off - she cleaned and did lots of things that she can't seem to get done when i'm around (i think i distract her) which was good (again with the "nesting" i think)

anyway, time to go outside and roar at the dogs, bye!


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