also known as james

Friday, February 23, 2007

six and hot

i have six teeth now, and it is STILL hot here...
my room is now 29.7C, a drop from 31.8C on wednesday...
that's all i have to say today

Friday, February 16, 2007


it's so flipping hot here, i can't believe it!
we're melting!!!

i don't have much exciting news really, except that i've been "sleeping in" in the mornings for mum and only getting up at about 8 or 8:20am. oh yes, and i'm starting to stand on my own too. not for very long or anything, but it's a start!

bye for now, x

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 12, 2007

adventure to the city

today mum took me on an adventure on the tram! it was my first time and i thought it was fun, and quite funny too!
we had lunch in the city and then she bought some stuff from lincraft which is a fabric shop. she is going to make me a cot bumper - i can't wait!

i also got a new tooth on friday night! 5 teeth now! it's the top one next to the front left one - mum reckons i'm going to look like a pirhana soon!

daddy's gone away again on business, back on wednesday... miss you daddy!

anyway, bathy time now - here's a photo for you from sunday

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

busy, busy, busy!

well hello there! i've been really busy the last few weeks and that's why there are no new updates... such a little socialite...!

nanna & pa left to go back to perth on friday last week and i miss them lots! it was great fun having them here to play with and take on walks and everything. daddy was away for most of last week, working in hong kong again - he got home at about 10pm on saturday night. i missed him so much and am very glad he's back!

last week while nanna and pa were here, i took them to my music group (lots of fun and music and babies and parachutes and everything!) and also to mums mothers group. before the others got there, we played at the park nearby - it was great fun! i think they had fun there, they were playing with all the other littlies in our group and we all had a great time!


i'm standing up very nicely now, and starting to think about doing it without supporting myself but so far it's only a vague idea in my head... don't want to give anyone any big ideas about me walking in the near future! i like to push my trolley that pa made for me, it's almost like real walking but with a little help.

i am also starting to say words now, besides dada and mama and nana i can say ta now and i also understand a lot of words. mum just has to say "do you want to read a story?" and i get so excited! i love my books! i also try to talk to the doggies and also read to myself, mum has found me sitting in my little cubby house reading my "monday the bullfrog" book.

i also got tooth number 4! woo hoo! i can bite things now and like eating things like sausage rolls and biscuits so i can bite nice pieces off and not have to use my gums too much anymore!

dad & mum got me a new bath - it's a big storage tub and they put it in the shower when it's bathy time, fill it up and we have bubbles and bath crayons and sticky alphabets which were a birthday present from my friend jamie - thanks jamie!

they are lots of fun! sometimes, molly even tries to get into the bath with me! we all have such a good laugh!

aunty rara moved into a house-share on monday and mum has reorganised the house - she's so fast at it! dad was bathing me on monday night and when we came out, mum had moved the queen size bed back into my room and started putting her "office/studio" back the way it was! she's crazy man..!

mum has now become an australian citizen - on australia day! she got a great certificate and some australian flags and a little koala. when she got home, nanna & pa had a big australian flag for her and a big koala too! i get to play with it too, lucky me ;0)

dad and mum are starting to look for a new house, this time it's to buy though! will keep you updated with what happens, i think they are a little bit scared but i'm not sure why - all i need is a bath and a nice room to sleep in! and maybe a garden with grass. and maybe a pool to swim in when it's hot. and maybe heating for winter. and cooling for summer. and maybe also a pony. and... and... and...!

anyway, that's about if from me for now - got to go shout at the dogs and do other stuff on my list before nap time.
bye for now x

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker