also known as james

Thursday, May 31, 2007

rowr! ~more teeth

so on tuesday i was a bit naughty and pulled a cup of coffee off the kitchen counter... needless to say, i screamed my head off because it was FLIPPING HOT! mum grabbed me and jumped into the shower which was FLIPPING COLD to stop any burning and i was still screaming... it was quite an ordeal...
anyway, she rang kerry our maternal & child health nurse who came right over to check me out (in case i might need to go to hospital). i didn't thank goodness and i'm okay now.

kerry noticed my molars are coming through and let mum & granny know so that was some interesting news! i also have another tooth at the top left side, so that makes 5 on top and 4 on the bottom that mum can see and possibly at least one molar at the bottom which you can possibly see in this photo

granny took these photos of me reading an interesting brochure about international phone call cards and rates, fascinating stuff really!

oh yeah, and i took about three steps unassisted yesterday - it was all VERY exciting! i'm really enjoying this game, they keep asking me to walk and i make them think i will but then i just sit down! ha ha ha!

Monday, May 28, 2007

peekaboo with molly-moo

so the weekend has been pretty low-key really, mum & dad went out to the empress on friday night with nath and simon & jovita and had a great time catching up with them again.

on saturday mum had lots of cards to make so she did that pretty much all day and sunday we just took it easy at home again. i played with granny & daddy while mum did some more cards and collages which should be available at 1001 things for baby from tomorrow. mum will also update her blog soon with photos of the newest stuff so make sure you check in there!

today i played a fun game with molly, here is a video of us for your viewing pleasure:

there's something new in the sidebar where you can just enter your email address and when there's an update here, you'll get an email letting you know! how clever is that?! make sure to do that okay?

thanks for visiting!

Friday, May 25, 2007

snow - continued...

so here are some photos of our trip with granny up to bright.
it was really fun, granny & i spent wednesday together while mum & dad went to a winery called brown brothers in milawa where they had lunch. mum had a little too much to drink and was a little tipsy afterwards. their lunch was delicious and they bought two bottles of wine and then went to the milawa cheese factory where they bought a wheel of brie and a washrind cheese (a bit too smelly for my liking!).

here's mum taking the snow chains off the wheels of the car (she had gloves on and dad didn't so she could handle the cold - brave mum!)

here's mum looking on the map to see where on earth we were (because it was so foggy & snowy up there!)

here's granny being a tourist on mount hotham

here's me in the big spa bath - it was so much fun!

here's me in granny's cupboard, i was playing hide & go seek

here's me with daddy, playing with my new blocks that granny got for me

today we had our photos done at verve where mum won a voucher. it was great fun and we go back next week to choose the ones we want - i can't wait!
anyway, that's about it for now - got to have a bath now and then bed...
here's a parting shot of me on the way home from bright in the car, i was really tired...

ciao for now xxx

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


so we're up here in bright (3 and a half hours from melbourne) and it's very pretty but very wet! it's been raining pretty much since we got here and only seems to be clearing up this afternoon.

it snowed last night up on mount hotham and we went for a drive today to have a look.
it was so pretty and the higher we got, the more snow there was until we decided not to go any further because we didn't have chains for the tyres... poo...

we drove back down again and went to have lunch in town at the local bakery, and then walked around for a bit before we came back to the apartment for a sleep.

mum also took me for a walk this morning to feed the ducks - they were so cute! i was quite speechless, i've never seen a real live duck before! maybe we'll go back again tomorrow to feed them some more - they seemed very hungry!

anyway, i'll get mum to put some photos up when we get back home again - we're using dad's laptop while we're here and mum hasn't put the photos on it.

night kids!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

busy, busy, busy!

happy happy me

i love posing for granny's camera

i have been SO hugely busy since granny arrived from cape town on the 5th may, she has been so much fun to have around! unfortunately, not long after she got here, she got a really bad cold and had to be in bed for a while and have antibiotics... poor granny...

mum & granny's friend aunty carol had arranged to surprise granny last weekend - it went down according to plan, except that granny was sick and couldn't really do as much as she'd have liked to with aunty carol.
aunty carol came over from new zealand to visit us all and it was lovely meeting her - thanks for my buzzy bee raincoat aunty carol!

here is a shot of aunty-carol-the-tourist taken by granny

here is a shot of granny-the-tourist taken by aunty carol

i have been a bit sick too lately, got a bit of a cough but not too bad - nothing i can't handle!

tomorrow we are going to a town called bright, it's up the the "alpine areas" and is about a 3 and a half hour drive away. aunty rara is going to look after the house and the dogs and the fish and everything while we're away - thanks aunty rara!

mum has been organising and packing and everything, and we'll leave in the morning and hopefully get there around lunch time. the oldies are hoping i'll sleep in the car but i'll leave them guessing until the last minute... i think mum has a stash of "distractions" for just in case, i saw a few books i've never seen before and a new toy too so it might just be fun!

the weather forecast is as follows:
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology
P.O. Box 1636 Melbourne Vic 3001

Alpine Areas District Forecast
Issued at 1531 on Sunday the 20th of May 2007

A severe weather warning is current for localised damaging winds.

Weather Pattern:
A cold front approaching the Bight will move eastwards and cross
Victoria during Monday. A second cold front will move through
the Bass Strait later Tuesday while a high pressure system develops
over South Australia. This high will move slow eastwards over NSW
during Wednesday and Thursday.

Forecast: Tonight and Monday
Scattered showers, becoming more widespread during the afternoon,
then tending to snow at night. Isolated thunderstorms and hail later.
Mostly cloudy with strong northwesterly winds, reaching gale force
at times tomorrow.

Tuesday Snow showers contracting to the peaks as showers become
more isolated. Mostly cloudy with strong and gusty west to south-
westerly winds moderating.
Wednesday Isolated showers.
Thursday Fine apart from isolated early showers.

Mt Buller
Tonight and Monday Min 0 Max 2

Mt Hotham
Tonight and Monday Min -1 Max 1
did you notice the word snow in there??!!! cool!!! how exciting! make sure you check back for photos okay? okay!

before i go to bed, i just want to say hi to pappa, aunty nini & ouma in cape town and also to bazz! and also to pa, nanna, aunty dotty and nanna lee & nanna rene in perth!

anyway, gotta get my beauty sleep (you know, for all the photos).
night kids x

Thursday, May 03, 2007

naughty me

so i figured out, if i push the chair over to the fish tank and then climb onto the chair, then i can get to the fish!
so simple really... i don't know why i didn't think of it before...

i kind of got into trouble though and the chairs have now been put in the garage where i can't get to them... i'll have to figure something else out now - watch this space! hee hee!

granny arrives on saturday from cape town, we are so excited and mum is doing SO much washing and trying to tidy up - i like to help you see...


ps please excuse mum's bad photos, they were taken with her phone...

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker