also known as james

Thursday, September 27, 2007

photos & videos

so hi again!

here are some photos from this morning at the park, mum thought she'd wear me out and that i'd have a good long nap but oh no, no, no! heh heh heh...

eating apples - yummy!

aussie totem pole, just checkin' it out...

grapes, yummy!!


here are three videos for your viewing pleasure

"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"


Monday, September 24, 2007


well hello there!
i know, i know - it's been a while again... poor old mum, can't keep up with me and i don't actually like it when she sits on the internet so we can't really blame her...

anyway, in the last few weeks i've been really busy learning my numbers and the alphabet and i can say HEAPS of new words too! even words that mum & dad say without asking me if i can say them! i can also say things like "knock on the door" and "get out/get down/go back" (which we say a lot to the dogs) as well as "harry-no" (which we also say a lot to harry the dog).

i like climbing too, i try to climb off the change table all the time now, much to mum's chagrin... here are some photos of me attempting the front gate

i've also been playing in my giant clam which pa got some sand for, he put it in one side of the clam and we build sandcastles and everything! i also like to take a handful of sand at a time from one clam and go over to the other clam and throw it in there - this could take a while though as my hands are relatively small you see...

last night daddy made delicious spaghetti bolognese and i absolutely loved it! here are some photos

well folks, i'll love you and leave you for now with a shot from mum's webcam of table mountain in cape town that she looks at every day.
ciao for now xxx

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

happy birthday ouma!

today is ouma's birthday, happy birthday oumi!

she is in cape town and is spending the day with guggy & pappa - we wish we could be there with you all, we miss you all very much!

here are some photos of me drawing on the bathroom floor with my giant chalk (molly is helping me)

night night all
love me

Sunday, September 02, 2007

father's day at the farm

so today is father's day in australia and i took dad & mum to the collingwood children's farm - oh boy it was great fun!!! the oldies wanted to eat first however, so i had to wait in my pram until they were finished before we could get going to see all the animals!

here is mum's flat white with a lovely feather in the froth


more duckies!!!

chooks! (aka chickens)



a goat!

a cow! moo!!! her name is patsy, she is the milking cow on the way to be milked

sheep and new little lambs! these are english leicester sheep and lambs, so cute - the lambs kept jumping everywhere!

a berkshire pig - oink! she was really really big!

here is a kitty (taking a wee)

here's patsy being milked

here is a rooster, he is a brown or black leghorn and his colours were great!

waiting for the horteys (horses) to come out

beware of the tiger snake!!

scary snake picture

here's a peacock sitting with the chickens

the view on the way out to go home

what a fun time we had, we will have to go back again soon!

ciao for now

it's been a long time...

hi everyone!

i know it's been a long time since we posted something here and i've talked to mum and told her that it's just not professional for her to be so slack so she said she'd do a big one with lots of photos so here goes!

well, a couple of weeks back i took mum & nanna & pa to the melbourne museum. you might remember i took guggy & aunty rara & mum there back in june.

we had heaps of fun again and this time i was a dinosaur! here are some photos from the day

drawing with nanna & pa

this way pa

the return of the caterpillar whisperer

giant yoyos


ahhh... BOO!

then we went to ruby's house for mothers group, it was such fun and max & i were soaking wet by the time we went home!

ruby & me

deep in thought

max & me splashing - great fun!

then last weekend i got mum & dad and nanna & pa to do some gardening, here's me supervising

it all looks much better now, thanks to my input!

anyway, i will do another post after this one about todays big adventure so stay tuned!


Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker