also known as james

Friday, September 22, 2006

crazy days

the last few days have been a bit on the crazy side to say the least!
last sunday dad & mum took me to a picnic in the park with the other babies and dads and mums from our group - it was great fun! i wore my sun hat and my sunnies and looked pretty cool (that's what i heard anyway). the weather changed after a while though and we came home for my bottle and nap and i slept really well that night (probably from all the excitement of the day).

on tuesday mum took me for a long walk and we went to the shop for more veggies for my dinners. then on wednesday we went to mum's group with all the other babies and i played happily with them. here's a photo of manny pretending to be a puppy

and here's a photo of ruby, she's very pretty!

that night though, i started feeling a bit yucky and yesterday (thursday) i had a really high temperature of 39.4C by the time we went to kerry for my 8 month check up... i was not feeling well at all and mum had to keep giving me baby panadol every 4 hours to help get my temperature down. last night was not a good one to say the least...

today mum took me to the doctor and she said my ears and lungs were clear and that i was probably just getting a cold which my body was fighting. mum has to keep and eye on my temperature and hopefully this will work it's way out of my system.

on our way home (indirectly via the newsagent and baby gift shop) we bumped into renai, manny's mum. she and mum went for lunch at a cafe on rathdowne street and had a good old natter together before we headed off home.

i got two cute presents today from mum, because i'm not feeling well she wanted to cheer me up. i also got a great present last weekend from dad & mum and i'll get mum to put some photos up soon of all the pressies for you to see.

yesterday when we went to see kerry, she weighed me and i'm now 10.015kgs! we couldn't believe it! i'm also 73cm long now and growing by the minute!

that's all for now, going to bed - night!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 15, 2006

molly 'n' me

molly 'n' me sitting outside today, we are great friends - she likes giving me kisses! i look a bit grumpy in this photo but i wasn't ready, i told mum but she didn't listen...

last night i won the battle of wills! i got a bottle at about 2:30am and then i let the oldies sleep until 7:30am, which i thought was rather thoughtful of me - don't you think?

tonight i had tuna with dinner, it was good!
tomorrow we're going in the car again, i think the oldies might be taking me to a baby shop so i might get some cool things - fingers crossed!

Thursday, September 14, 2006


and some serious leg stretching action

PS i am 8 months old today!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a visit to daniel's house

so yesterday mum took me to visit my friend daniel and his mum, ciara. they live in a lovely house down the road from us and we had fun there, although i was a bit clingy to mum and i got a bit upset when daniel tried to play with me... sorry daniel!

over the weekend we did grocery shopping with dad and dad also took me for a loooong walk while the car was being washed and cleaned. he has gone to sydney again and is back on thursday night, we miss him already!

i've been going all night without a feed still, but i've been needing dad or mum to settle me a LOT... i'm not sure why i'm so unsettled but hopefully for all our sakes, it won't last long!

i'm really trying to crawl now, i often have my bum up in the air as i try to manoeuvre my way forward! usually, i just end up getting frustrated and going backwards! i love it when mum holds me up so i am standing - it's the best! and i love jumping in my jolly jumper - i can jump really high now!

anyway, i have to get ready for dinner now - i'll check back in soon (depends on how i treat mum over the next few days while dad's away you see...)


Thursday, September 07, 2006

4 in a row

four full nights sleep in a row - going for a world record folks!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

happy birthday ouma!

it's ouma's birthday today - happy birthday ouma!

ouma is mum's nanna/nonna/ouma/gran and she lives in south africa. i haven't met her yet but i can't wait for when i do in october!!!

we love you lots and lots ouma, look after yourself and we'll see you soon!



guess what!

i slept the whole night through again last night!
i think the oldies are quietly rejoicing!

hee hee hee!

Monday, September 04, 2006

turtles taste terrible

myrtle the turtle

an outing and a surprise

so yesterday we went to the supermarket and i sat in the trolley for the first time!
it was amazing, i didn't know which way to look first and i was holding on the sides of the trolley for dear life!
everyone was smiling at me, i think they thought i was cute...

then, last night i had my usual dinner (this time chicken & butternut pumpkin followed by a bit of stewed apple) and bathy time, all as i usually do. mum took me into my room for my top-up bottle before bed and i didn't want any of it! she was a bit apprehensive about it, expecting me to wake early in the night for it but...


i didn't wake for a feed at all last night and she & dad only had to get up to me two or three times, and i was only dreaming then anyway!

PLUS, i am now sleeping without being wrapped at all and no complaints!


Friday, September 01, 2006


i forgot to mention that i'm rolling from my back to my tummy and back again now.
i was getting pretty frustrated with only getting onto my tummy and not back again but i've figured it out, clever me! i'm also pulling my legs up under me and putting my bum in the air but i don't think i'll crawl for a while yet. i do surprise mum by being in a different area of the lounge room floor to where she last saw me - heh heh heh!

i like to shriek a lot too, it's fun when mum & dad shriek back!

i just had a two hour nap and i think mum's about to fall off her chair - she had a nice little rest and lunch and now it's my turn - bye for now!

king hootchi has spoken...

today i gave my usual lecture outside, as it was such a lovely day.
as always, i had the undivided attention of all my loyal subjects, except for one hairy chap who seemed a little disrespectful but i soon sorted him out...
here are the minutes of the meeting, taken by mum (aka the queen mother):

(click on the image above for a larger view)

other news from hootchiland: i am now taking my naps without being wrapped! mum has been incredibly patient and persevered with me and i'm getting used to the whole idea of not being bound like an egyptian mummy for my sleeps! so she & dad are going to give it a go tonight for my night-time sleep and we're all hoping that i'll be okay with it... personally, i will have to see how i feel about it at the time, i'm not making any promises...

i have also started having meat with my veggies in the evening, i had chicken yesterday mixed in with butternut squash and broccolli, it was delicious!! i ate so much of it that we were all surprised, and then i was so full i didn't need my top-up bottle after bathy time - i went straight to sleep!

i also slept much better last night too, i still had my bottle at about 1am but i only woke up for that - other times mum or dad had to come in was just to pat me and put my dummy back in... i was probably only dreaming some of the time and i just needed reassurance (i heard them say that the other day)... i think they're hoping this is a turning point but, as i said before, i'm not making any promises... gotta keep them on their toes!

mum has to go to the doctor tomorrow to get her meds again, i think she's feeling a bit sad and i know i've been giving her a really hard time... she spoke to our maternal & child health nurse, kerry, and also to dad and they all agreed it was a good thing for her to do this as it has helped her in the past. hopefully it won't be long before she's back to her usual self and she won't need them anymore again.

anyway, that's about it for now, i'm rather tired from all that talking earlier and now i will have a nap. please feel free to leave comments by clicking on the comment link below this post, just so we know you've been to visit!

muchos gracias xxx

PS: you can see my birthday ticker at the bottom of the page if you scroll down, it updates every day (like magic), here it is just for a little colour again anyway:
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker