Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007

hi everyone! i like talking very much and say "hi!" to everyone i see now, they usually say hi back but not always. i can say all sorts of things now too, like apple and table and towel and bubbles and abby (nanna & pa's doggy) and aeroplane and birdy and ducky and ALL SORTS OF THINGS! it's an exciting time for me and the oldies!
nanna & pa got here safe and sound in one piece from perth, but the fish didn't make the journey across - he died on the day they got here... poor fish, he was probably a bit scared we think... anyway, they have been looking at houses and have been to visit us a few times so far. yesterday we went for a walk to the park and i had a play on the kids stuff there and pa took me down the big slide - i think i liked it but i'm not sure...
today i took mum for a walk up to mother's group but the venue had changed so we walked back to jacqui's house - it's okay though, because mum needs the exercise (her words, not mine!). jacqui, who is ella's mum, lives right behind our house so it was a quick walk home afterwards. ella has a new little baby brother, billy - he is so small! mum said i was small like that but i don't know so much... i suppose she knows what she's talking about though...
here's a photo mum took a bit back, but she's been playing on photoshop and did this to it (more to follow later, i'm sure!)

anyway, better be off to bed now - night!
Friday, July 20, 2007
tea for two
so today i took mum into town on the tram because there was a toy sale on here that i wanted to go to. we got some play-doh and some finger paints and also this great set of fruits, breads, biscuits, plates, cutlery & cups! so we had a bit of a play with the play-doh (i tried to eat some but it didn't taste good really so i didn't do that again) and then we had lunch with doggy. as you can see, i am a good host - i offered doggy and mum a lot of coffee and snacks and it was a lot of fun! we even did sound effects!
other news is that dad sold the car on monday and there is a very happy 21 year old guy out there who's dad got it for him for his birthday.
also, nanna & pa are driving across from perth to melbourne! they left perth on tuesday and are hoping to get into melbourne tomorrow (saturday) around lunch time - yay! it's a very long way to drive, about 3400 kms!

anyway, i will update again when they get here so tune in again in a couple of days.
otherwise, i'm still walking around and giving mum a surprise sometimes - i don't think she expects me to just walk around the corner and say "hi!" like i do - hee hee hee!
bed time now so i'll be off, have a great weekend!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
mum's day off
so today dad & i gave mum the day off (well, the afternoon really) and she went shopping in town with her gift vouchers from her birthday last wednesday. she got herself some great new pj's and a soft and cosy robe and socks to go with them as well as some crafty things from a shop she likes called lincraft and also some other crafty things from kmart (thank you nanna lee & nanna rene!).
she also had to take my elmo back to the shop because he wasn't working anymore and instead got me some more warm clothes for around the house as well as a few dvd's to keep me occupied - one is called elmopalooza and the other two are charlie & lola which we all love!
other news is that we went to visit our maternal child health nurse kerry last week for my 18 month check up and i'm now 13.5kgs and 84cm tall. i'm getting big, and am almost as tall as mum! i also talked a lot for kerry and played nicely for her too, i made her laugh a lot!
dad & mum also got me new table & chair which is where i can colour in and draw lovely pictures for everyone. here are some photos of me showing dad how to do it properly.
ps i'm walking now! woo hoo!!!! they don't know what they're in for!!! hee hee hee! xxx