a budding photographer
so i've been a good boy all year & santa brought me a camera for christmas! woo hoo!!
here are some of the photos i've taken so far - mostly of the floor, walls, dogs & the little kid
my tummy, toe, floor & bark chip
bark chip around a small rock, and tap
with tennis ball on the top (what's that
all about?) in the foreground
tummy, feet, floor, shadow & front door mat
brick wall
floor & shadow
more floor
more floor again (i think)
tum, toes & floor
front gate
shadow from the gate & leaves on floor,
knee & foot in foreground on step
foot, shadow & front door mat
cool patterns on the floor outside the
front door
leaf on front door mat
different angle on above-mentioned
cool patterns on floor outside front door
show down between the little kid &
the idiotic dog (aka harry)
close up of the sand in my giant clam
quilt with road sewn on by mum
the little kid attempting to steal my cars
bubbles, green rocking thing & fence
quilt mentioned before, floor & pot in
which lime tree is trying to survive
molly sitting on said quilt
molly running from camera man
statue of smiling dog
daddy on the couch
the little kid looking suspiciously
a creative shot of the little kid
i hope everyone had a nice day yesterday, i got lots of great presents! thank you also to aunty sharyn in perth and everyone!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAIGE!!!!! We hope you have a great day today and wish your oldies (aka Lau & J) a happy anniversary too, lots of love from all of us Down-Under xxx
later alligators!
ps here's one mum took of the little kid: