also known as james

Friday, January 19, 2007


finally, after days and days of sweltering hot weather, it rained..! but it didn't cool things down... no sir-eee... it's still FLIPPIN' hot! anyway, what a crazy few days we've had lately!

last saturday, mum & aunty rara went into town for a manicure and some shopping together while i spent the day with daddy & aunty dotty. mum had a great time and enjoyed it so much that she's going to do it again tomorrow!

then on sunday it was my birthday!!! i am now one year old!!! mum & dad can't believe it sometimes i think...
i got lots of great presents from them and my nanna & pa, granny & pappa & aunty nini, and aunty rara & aunty dotty. and my great nannas too! thank you everyone!!!

we were up early (as usual) and after breakfast and presents, mum & i went for a walk down to the park where we met dad. he'd driven down there with all the stuff for my party and mum set up while daddy took me to play in the playground. then when it was time for my nap, mum got aunty rara & aunty dotty to come down from the house and look after everything and we went back home to sleep (i slept and mum got ready and relaxed a bit). daddy went and got the snacks and after i'd had my lunch, we went back down to the park with all the balloons!!

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear james, happy birthday to you!"

there were lots of people there and lots of little kids and babies too! one lady even had a baby in her tummy!! cool!!
uncle andrew & aunty sarah sparkle came too, and she had made me a beautiful cake and cupcakes too!!! it made mum cry when she saw it! thank you so much aunty sarah! it was delicious!!

i also got lots of presents at my party too, thank you everyone! i got really spoiled and mum is rotating the great toys i got so i don't get too "overwhelmed" she said...
we went home at about 3pm and i had another nap - what a great day!!!

then on tuesday, i had my 12 month check up with kerry and i've grown again! i weigh 11.89kgs and i'm 79cm long - nearly as tall as mum! ha ha!

then on wednesday, it was daddy's birthday!!! happy birthday daddy! he's 35 years old!!! that's 34 years more than me! wow! mum also made me a little play house - i love it!!!

then yesterday mum & dad took me for my second ultrasound on my head and the man there said it all looks normal. mum said she'd ring the paediatrician on monday though, just to check. i was pretty good and lay still most of the time.

then today, nanna & pa arrived from perth to visit! they brought a great trolley for me that pa & uncle kev had made for me, i can put things in it and push it around (when i can walk properly). pa put me in it and pushed me backwards and forwards and i liked that!

phew! what a crazy time!!! i think i'll sleep well tonight, i'm exhausted!
g'night everyone!
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, January 06, 2007

number 3!

i got another tooth last night! it's my top front left tooth and only sticking out a tiny little bit...

it's been so hot here the last few days, finally tonight a cool change came in and we're waiting in anticipation for the rain to fall!

anyway, that's about it for now, bye!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

uberbaby, computer whizz kid

i went on the computer today with aunty dotty, i like playing on the computer. i type long letters, and send emails, and do mum & dad's tax returns and everything! (i'm very multifunctional like that you see)

i also found aunty rara's hat and thought it looked pretty darn cool on me - whaddya reckon?

it's been sooooo flipping hot here, i got to go in the clam again today when aunty dotty got home with her aunty jan. we all sat outside for a bit so i could play, but then we had to go in because it was too hot. tomorrow is going to be hot again - so we are going shopping in a nice airconditioned shopping centre! hooray!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

molly 'n' me

today molly had a swim with me in my clam-pool, it was so much fun!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

books, books, books!

today mum took me for a loooong walk and we went to the park where i played and had heaps of fun! that was this morning, then this afternoon she and aunty dotty took me for another walk (!) and we went to the library where i became a member! i got my own card and i can choose any books i want! up to 30 in one go!!!! we got some for me and some for mum and we're going to read them all tomorrow - i can't wait!

here is a photo of me today, i was a little on the manic side as you can see...

paige has a new post on her blog, you can click on her link in the sidebar to visit her - hi paige!

Monday, January 01, 2007


hi everyone, wishing you all a safe, healthy & happy new year!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker