also known as james

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

fruit salad, yummy yummy

so mummy bought me this wooden fruit cutting set a couple of weeks ago - i really like it and make her lots of fruit salad (yummy, yummy!) throughout the day (it's very healthy you know)
i am ambidextrous as you know and like to cut the fruit with both my right and left hands - clever huh?

baby matthew is doing well, he's now 1960g and nearly back to his birth weight (2kgs) and the midwife told mummy & daddy tonight that he's doing well with his feeds on the bottle that they might take his feeding tube out tomorrow!

night night xxx

Monday, April 28, 2008

baby bath time

so i went to nanna & pa today for a sleep over tonight, and mummy & daddy went to visit baby matthew a few times today

the midwife said he has had a good temperature so they were able to give him a bath tonight - he was very good and didn't cry (only when he got taken out of the bath and transferred to the towel which was really quickly)

here are some photos of him in the bath, they're a bit fuzzy because mum was rushing because she was worried about his temperature etc

isn't he tiny?!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

more photos of matthew

so baby matthew has to have a feeding tube now, they put it in last night and mummy & daddy saw it this morning when they went in for his feed... mummy was very upset to see it, even though she knows it's better for him to have his feeds this way so he can rest and grow, it's still hard to see him like that...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

welcome baby matthew!

so on friday the 18th april, mum was walking down collins street in the city on her way to a pedicure when suddenly she realised her waters had broken!
she was immediately on the phone to daddy, who works on collins street luckily, and they got a taxi to the hospital.
they were worried because she still had 7 weeks to go with the pregnancy, but the baby was ready to come now!

the doctors said that mum needed to stay in the hospital for the next week or two, to try to keep the baby in for as long as possible. mum made it until monday afternoon, when she started having contractions and by 8:30 monday night it was decided that she needed to have an emergency c-section.

matthew was born at 9:18pm, weighing 2kgs and 45cm long. he had to go into an oxygen crib for a while but was soon doing well enough to come out. now it's a matter of him growing and putting on weight & being able to maintain his body temperature before he can come home, which might take another 2 to 4 weeks.

he is doing pretty well, is feeding with a bottle and hasn't had to have a tube put in as most babies his age would have. they are gradually increasing his bottle amount and is on 40mls every 3 hours now. there is still a chance that he might tire out and need a tube put in but fingers crossed he won't.
he is so tiny and skinny, mum & dad reckon he looks like a little frog when he doesn't have his clothes on. he also needs to be well wrapped up and is sometimes put under a heater too, to keep his body temperature up.

mum & dad are going to be going in to do as many of his feeds as possible over the next week, it's good for him to have cuddles with them... cuddles make you grow!

nanna & pa have been looking after me a lot while mummy's been in the hospital and daddy's been visiting her and matthew - they have done a great job & i've had lots of fun with them. it was nice to see mummy today at home, i kept going up to her and saying "hallo mummy!" and giving her lots of cuddles.

anyway, here are some photos of me and also of baby matthew

i can hear a heart-beat

i concur doctor...

here's a photo of me when i was born,

and here's matthew when he was born!
do we look the same or what???
i was 4 weeks prem and he's 7 weeks prem but i still think he looks a lot like me!

another star is born!

so little!

this is matthew in his crib under the heater (which looks a little like a griller i think...)

james M.D.

anyway folks, that's it for now - hope you enjoy the photos and news! i will try to do regular updates here but things are a little crazy right now so please bear with us ;)


big news!

hi everybody!

i have some big news, my baby brother was born on monday 21st april!

i will get mum to do a big update with photos in the next day or so, she's been in hospital until today so i couldn't do any updates but i just wanted to let you all know that i'm a big brother to baby matthew!


Monday, April 14, 2008

happy birthday aunty nini!

today is my aunty nini's birthday - happy birthday aunty nini!
we hope you have a lovely day, even though it's monday and you're probably at work!

here are some photos of me painting yesterday, i am wearing my knight outfit that mummy made for me (you can't really see it in the photos though and it's in the wash now after the painting, it got a bit dirty)

mum said she just needs to make a knights helmet of some sort and then i'll be ready for battle!

knight photos to follow, stay tuned


Thursday, April 10, 2008


i love animals and here are some photos of me pretending to be two different kinds of animals

firstly, here i am being a turtle

and here's me pretending to be a LION! ROOOOOOAAAAWWWWRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

ps that's raspberry muffin residue on my cheek, i am after all a friendly lion and don't eat humans or animals ;)

today i took mum and her friend andrew to the park, it was very warm and i ran around a lot (with mum having to run after me a few times too) and they ate cake & drank coffee (andrew) and hot chocolate (mum) until it was time to come home again for lunch
it was lots of fun but we were all worn out by the time we got home!

i had another sleep-over at nanna & pa on tuesday so mum had two whole days off - she cleaned and did lots of things that she can't seem to get done when i'm around (i think i distract her) which was good (again with the "nesting" i think)

anyway, time to go outside and roar at the dogs, bye!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker