so mum decided to try again with the cereal, one thing's for sure - she sure does persevere!

we waited until the second feed of the day was over and then she put me in this groovy ikea highchair and strapped me in and away we went. strategically potioned in front of the tv, and with a few toys on the chair tray to distract me if necessary she offered me a tiny bit first and i surprised her by eating it all! heh heh heh...
here i am reading my book while i wait for her to get her act together...

then she offered me a bit more and i ate all that too so we were both happy! all up it was only 1/2 a teaspoon but better than previous attempts which only managed to get a miniscule amount into my mouth (and when i decided to keep it there).
we're taking it slowly and in a week or so we'll start on veggies too.
here i am at the end, not too messy (i'm biding my time) & as you can see by my posture, it was a very relaxed & casual affair...

mum's friend in america, laura (paige's mum), sent an email with advice about feeding and mum says "thanks chooks!". not sure what that means, but i guess it's grown-up talk...
tomorrow we're off to a shop called baby bunting, can't wait 'cause i reckon the oldies are going to spoil me! i'll let you know what we bring home.
g'night for now, zzzzzzz