Sunday, August 27, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
it's been a long time...

i've been keeping mum on her toes for the last week and a half, since nanna went back home to perth... dad went to hong kong & sydney for work then came back for a few days and now he's in sydney again until wednesday night.
so mum has been too tired to help me update here, she said she'd try to real soon - she has some good photos of all the cool stuff nanna brought with her and that i got when she was here.
time for my bottle, bye!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
big day out
today we went shopping! after i woke up this morning at 7am, i had a feed and a little play and then went back to sleep for my nap. i slept for 2 hours, much to everyones amazement! then another feed and out the door, to take nanna to chadstone shopping centre for a wander around and a bit of a shop. we got there at 11am and it was really great going during the week, not as many people as on the weekend and much less stressful.
we met nanna's brother, uncle ron, for a coffee at 11am and i had my cereal at the restaurant. then we had to change my nappy and we wandered around looking in shops for a while until we had to change my nappy again (number 2 this time, snuck up on us)! then we could wander around a little more before uncle ron left and then we wandered around a bit more again!
we were looking in all sorts of shops, lots of them had toys and other things i liked and i got a few presents: a lovely piano that i can kick or bash or just look at depending on the mode it's set to from nanna and pa (thank you nanna & pa!),

a little wind up train from dad & mum

and a book from mum for when i'm a bit older and she & i can draw things together.

all up i behaved myself quite well and charmed all the ladies in the shops! we got home at 4pm and i had a nap before dinner which tonight consisted of a sweet potato, carrot & parsnip blend (delicious, i ate the whole jar full!), then bathy-time and then a bottle (of milk).
here are some photos of bathy-time tonight, i was a little bit grumpy because i was so tired and then i found that i had to share my bath with a duck and a turtle!!! what next?!

what the...?

just wait until i get my hands on you...

where do you think you're going?!
i am now completely on formula as i did not like the breastfeeding and i used to fight with mum every time we had to have a feed... it became rather stressful for both of us and she weaned me gradually so now i'm completely on the bottle and we are all much, much happier! i get heaps and i think it's helping me sleep at night too which is a bonus for everyone.
that's it for tonight, i'm exhausted after my big day out! tune in soon for more updates, g'night!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
laughing babies
mum found this little movie over at (where you can see some of my movies) and she couldn't stop laughing!
Monday, August 07, 2006
happy birthday pappa!!!
it's pappas birthday today, happy birthday pappa!

mum & i are going to cape town in october to visit pappa & nonna and ouma and aunty nina and all of mum's friends!
i can't wait and neither can mum! dad is going to a conference in europe so he can't come with us but we'll all go again next year! mum has said she must be crazy to do this on her own with me, i'm not sure what she means really... (wink, wink)
night night everybody x
Friday, August 04, 2006
nanna's coming to visit!
my nanna is coming to visit me, she arrives on an aeroplane tomorrow night! she is coming from perth which is in western australia. it is quite far to drive but to fly is quicker. i haven't seen her since i was a little baby, i think she will be surprised at how big i am!
the last week has been a bit all over the place, i haven't been doing my usual hour to hour and a half naps during the day (only half an hour each time) and i've been quite restless at night too. i was waking up crying almost every hour after my midnight feed and mum & dad were both very tired the next day... today i have so far had two naps, one for an hour and one for an hour and a half so maybe that will make them happy. i hope so!
i have been helping mum with the washing today, we were folding sheets together and played peek-a-boo and had a good old laugh! i have been eating all my cereal every day and all my pumpkin too, which i love! it's all very delicious and i can't wait to see what mum offers me next...
mum's "brother" in cape town has a blog now too, you can see him if you click on the kakamalaka link in the side bar... he's crazy and i don't think he looks anything like her but anyway... (he is rather handsome though).