my first footy game
so today i took mum, dad, uncle nath, aunty jovi & uncle simon to a footy game here. it was my first time and i had heaps of fun! we got there around 1pm (after my nap) and found a good spot on a little hill were we could put our picnic rug and eat our hot dogs and the grown ups could have a beer or three.
there was music and people and dogs and footy and dogs and food and music and people and dogs and more dogs! i had such a good time and there were even three (3) streakers! two men and a lady right at the end of the match! everyone laughed but i'm not sure why really - i get to streak when it's bath time... come to think of it, mum & dad laugh at me then too... did i mention the dogs? there were so many dogs there, it was great!
afterwards, we all came home in the car (jovi sat on simon's lap in the front seat) and we had fish & chips for dinner before my bath time and they all left about half an hour ago. we all had such a great time and are all very tired now so we're going to bed...
here are a few photos from today's excursion
simon, nath, dad & me and jovi

what's in there nath?

clapping for the footy with jovi

kisses for jovi

i can't see a thing!

hey hey! that's better!

happy birthday to aunty laura in phoenix, arizona, united states of america!
hope you had a great day and got spoiled by paige and uncle jeremy x
night kids