well finally!
it's raining!
woo hoo!!!
not much has been happening here, we had a long easter weekend and i did lots of things with daddy so mummy could have a rest - i really like doing things with daddy!
then yesterday i took mum on an adventure into the city. we went on the tram and i sat on the seat next to mum and held her hand the whole way very tightly, then we walked around for a while and mum looked in a couple of shops before we went to buy me some new pants because mine are all getting too small or they're shorts for summer.
mum also had my feet measured because she was going to buy me some new shoes but they didn't have my size - i'm now size 7, wow! she is going to look for some in another shop tomorrow on her "day off". anyway, then we went and had lunch and watched the little birds eating crumbs off the table - it was very funny! birds should be outside in the trees and flying in the sky but these little birds were inside the shopping centre and they seemed quite happy there - they were singing and chirping
then we went back to the tram to come back home and got inside just in time! it started bucketing down with rain and mum & i both had a nice nap for 2 hours, cosy-posy!
today it was still raining and lovely & cool, i had my socks on most of the day and mum & i played building blocks and trains & tracks and then she made some cupcakes with blue icing - yummy!
here are some photos from last weeks adventure to the park and afterwards we went to see the dinosaurs at the museum again (i like dinosaurs!)

leaves have started falling on the ground

so much to see, so little time!

see-saw with mum (for about 2 seconds and then i wanted to get off)

showing daddy how to wash the dishes

this is percy, he is the kitty next door and when his mum & dad go away for the weekend we feed him

he seems to think our house is his house at the moment and the last two days he's been sleeping in mum & dad's room because it's raining (they keep their window open to let in the fresh air)

he's very friendly and isn't scared of me at all - he is also very s-l-i-n-k-y slinky and curls his tail around me!

silly percy!